Reduction In Rate Of Administrative Charges From 1.10°/o To 0.85°/o Of The Pay.

some one told me, provident fund admin charges a/c no.2 reduction the rate from 1.10% to 0.85%. And a/c no 22 is 0.01% to minimum 200/-.
please find the attachment. and plz give the clarity of this. from which month these are applicable.
if any changes of pf percentages for challan generation , plz send me.
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Hi,notification is very clear,it says it will b applicable with effect frm 1 jan 15. The notification also clears,that
1)0.85% admin charges wiill b levied on basic wages for functional estd.having contributory members.
2)however min Admin charges payable would b 500 per month.
3)in case,of non fu nctional estd the applicable charges is 75 permonth.
4)the other part of of notification mentions admin charges on edli as
A)0.01% on basic wages for functional estd
B)however min admin charges on edli is to b rs 200 for functional estd.
C)for non functional estd it will b min rs 25 pm to b paid.
Raja srinivasan
Its very clear Mr balaji thanks for your explanation.
Yamini you have to pay .85 instead of 1.1 in A/c no 02. & The minimum charges of a/c no 02 is Rs 500.
another point is A/c no 22 its minimum 200 instead of .01.
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