1. Sir, ESI Act, 1948 does not make any distinction between temporary labour, casual labour, regular employee or adhoc employee. All persons doing work for and in connection with the work of the factory and within wage ceiling are "employee" within the meaning of said Act and entitled for benefits. In case of any eventuality viz. in accident cases, the premises of the employer where ESI Act is applicable/in force, and in the course and out of employment, the injured employee is entitled for disablement benefits and therefore, the employer or immediate employer (contractor) is/are required to comply with properly as per procedure laid down in said Act or rules/regulations framed thereunder.
2. If the employer fails to maintain records in respect of his casual / temporary employee, then it is the outlook of said employer or his contractor and therefore, in case of any eventuality as mentioned above, the injured employee will face difficulties in getting benefits as mentioned above. Further the employer will also be liable under other law viz.- the Employees' Compensation Act, 1937.