It is true that no employee can be sent off on the ground of poor performance without offering him an opportunity to be heard or without following a system of (transparent ) performance appraisal. By transparent, I mean appraisal with the knowledge of the appraisee and not some thing taken place in a discussion among a few managers. And it is surprising that a PSU management did it, perhaps after getting the concurrence from the Legal department and on the ground that in the case of a manager who is not under the protective cover of Industrial Disputes Act, no formal procedure is required to be followed. But while discharging the management should have followed at least the basic principles of natural justice. Since the kind of reasons shown, ie, poor performance, will cause stigma, the employee, manager, whoever it may be, will be justified if he files a case against the organisation. To repeat, since he has been working as a manager, he will not get the protection of ID Act.