Decipher The Coded -steps In Disciplinary Proceedings-.

In conducting disciplinary proceedings a lot of legal steps are involved They are cryptically summarised in three formulas 1 CIFADNAS 2 TADECARF 3 NAPAD I f any one knows expansions of these please indicate.
The above three cryptic codes were formulated by one Judge by name Agnihotri long back when he gave training on the topic of conducting DISCIPLINARY PROCEEDINGS at Administrative Training Institute, Mysore.
As I remember C in CIFADNAS stands for framing the Charge which is the first step.
I stands for Inquiry etc.
If no one succeeds in unraveling the mystery of these three words in a month, I will try to discover the same with the help of my erstwhile colleagues!
Dear friend,
Some good teachers use such devices to help the students understand the complex matters involved thoroughly, retain them in their minds forever and retrieve them easily in an orderly fashion whenever the need arises. It is a matter of simplfication according to the personal importance of each sequence assigned by the author concerned. Therefore, either the author of the abreviations or the students only can decipher them exactly. If you understand the first two principles of Natural Justice, you can very well understand the concept of discipline and disciplinary proceedings in the realm of employment.
Dear friends,very many thanks for your responses. I could search out my old notes and the cryptic formula listing the steps to be taken in initiating conducting and reporting in DISCIPLINARY ENQUIRY PROCEEDIGS stands deciphered as follows:
'Cifdnaas' is expanded as-
C-Charge Framing
A-Appointment of E.O
A-Appointment of P.O
S-Sending records to the Enquiry Officer
Napad is expanded as:
A-Assistance of a co-employee
P-Plea=Recording of plea
Tade Quarf is expanded as-
A-Allow further evidence
D-Defence Statement
E-Evidence of Defense
Q-Question by Inquiry Officer to the Accused Employee
F-Forwarding the findings to the Appointing Authority
Hope this helps all HRs who deal with Disciplinary Proceeding cases {i.e remembering the triple word formula and its expansion}
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