What Should Be The Mode For "Extra Working Settlement"

Dear Seniors,
What will be best mode for settling "Extra working duty hours" of workforce working at plant in supervisory-managerial category.
against any off day working in an industry.What is the acceptable mode of settlement from legal point of view and standard practice.
Is it through giving "Compensatory OFF" Or paying cash in salary.
Please provide guidance on the subject.
Dear HR@glance,
As per industry standards if an employee is working on a weekly off / holiday then:
1. Then the employee can avail his weekly off against the working day in any subsequent weeks within the span of 1 month.
2. Companies usually set a minimum timeline of 4-6 hrs working to avail a compensatory off for working in a weekly off/ holiday.
3. If an employee has worked extra from his / her shift for minimum time allotted by the company a per the company's policy, then that employee is eligible to avail compensatory off (full day / half day depending on the number of hours worked).
Dear Sir
Very right,I suggested to have "COFF" in practice but my management is asking to settle it through cash paid in salary at my company.
Sir,what would be the real benefits if we follow coff practice instead of cash , please elaborate more so that i can
explain/justify it to my management.
Dear Sir
Please provide valuable inputs regarding what would be the real benefits, if giving C-OFF practice is followed instead of paying
extra working in to cash with salary , please elaborate more so that it can be explain/justify to our management.
The Management is asking to settle it through cash paid in salary at my company.
Eagerly Waiting for inputs.
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