ESIC [Thread 490630]

I am hr manager in an IT company and i have two queries
first 1 is ...
Is it compulsary to cut esi from employee\'s salary if he got increment in december?as i have not done so before..
2) Though i have given TIC to all of them but even after approx 1 year they are still not going to collect Permanent now wht to do?
Dear Rutika,
Reply on your 1st queiry..
For ESIC there is contribution period of Aprl to Sept & Oct to March, between of this period, if any employee is become non-eligible or out of ESIC due to any salary hike, then too you can't stop his contribution till next contribution period will start. you need to keep contributing on revised salary till next half yearly contribution period comes.
Reply on your 2nd queiry..
Providing the TIC is the basic & major responsiblity of Employer, but, once provide the TIC, employee need to go to regional ESIC office for getting the PIC (perment card) but, subject to proper guidance by employer. As non having the PIC shall be effect to gets the benefits to him & his families itself
Even, now a days, if you have suffience no. of employees who still to gets to PIC, then ESIC authority will arrange the Campaign at your premises, for the same just coordinate with your regional ESIC office.
Harsh Kumar Mehta
I may submit that the appropriate Branch Office of ESIC to which the employee/insured person is attached is the appropriate office for issue or arrange for Permanent Identity/Family Identity Card of the said Insured Person. The HR people of the covered factories/establishment, in my opinion, may keep liaison with the Branch Office of ESIC and depute their employees/insured persons to obtain said Cards.
The Regional/Sub/Divisional Offices of ESIC are not concerned with preparation of such Identity Cards.
Dear Mr. Harsh,
As i belive thtat, ESIC is central Govt.& as per my knowledge, regional ESIC offices are providing the Campaign for the process of PIC cards (like, documents work, click photos graphs etc), eventhough they are provide the card may be, but, they assist for completion of procees & send to concern authority for further process.
Please correct me, if i am wrong..
Harsh Kumar Mehta
Dear Tusharji,
Thanks for making me to further clarify on the issues raised by you. I may inform that the Regional/Sub/Divisional Offices of ESIC are no doubt making compaign through advertisements etc. for preparations of Permanent Identity Cards for Insured Persons and their familities, but in actual such cards are prepared at the local level under the supervision and control of Branch Manager of ESIC. Branch Office is the appropriate office for preparation of such Identity Cards/Family Identity Cards.
Regional /Sub/Divisional Offices of ESIC are higher offices of ESIC and donot deal directly with the insured persons/employees.
It will be more better if you confirm the position locally also, where your establishment is located.
Dear Friend,

You may be aware that as per ESI Act there is contribution period - April to Sept & Oct to March, during this period, due to any salary increase if any employee salary crosses the ESI coverage limit i,e, exceeding Rs 15,000/ per month , you will have to continue to pay ESI contribution till the end the contribution period. Suppose an employee was drawing a gross salary of Rs 13000/ per month in the month of Dec and without any doubt he/she is covered under the ESI Act but due to increase in DA & Increment, his/her gross salary raised to Rs 16500/ per month wef January, you will pay ESI contribution on the enhanced salary till March.So you need not require to pay ESI contribution for the contribution period commencing from April to Sept.

Unless the the TIC is created, you can not cover any employee under the net of ESI. With the TIC along with family photograph duly signed by the Employer , the concerned employee together his/her family members should go to the local ESI office for obtaining permanent cards subject to fulfilling all formalities,i.e. photographs etc.Once PIC is ready, the ESI Authorities will forward the same to the employer for handing over to the concerned employee. With the permanent identification card, an employee can get facility " Any time and any where" of course within country.

Sibabrata Majumdar

Management Consultant Legal & HR

Kolkata, Mb:9830023706
Dear Mr. Majumdar,

Hi..... I am here again for my query of ESI contribution .... on enhanced salary during the contribution period ..... As you have mentioned that

" ESI Act there is contribution period - April to Sept & Oct to March, during this period, due to any salary increase if any employee salary crosses the ESI coverage limit i,e, exceeding Rs 15,000/ per month , you will have to continue to pay ESI contribution till the end the contribution period. Suppose an employee was drawing a gross salary of Rs 13000/ per month in the month of Dec and without any doubt he/she is covered under the ESI Act but due to increase in DA & Increment, his/her gross salary raised to Rs 16500/ per month wef January, you will pay ESI contribution on the enhanced salary till March."

I wish that you had understood me .... as Act has defined ESI Limit (15000).......... but wages for enhanced salary during the contribution is not defined. If you have such in writting kindly share the information.


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