KRAs And KPIs In A Hospital

rohan sharma
Can anyone let me know how to write KRAs and KPIs in a hospital(from Medical Director to Nurse/Ward boy) of around 500 beds? how to assess these KRAs?
M.Peer Mohamed Sardhar
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Hello Rohan,
I have recently joined a newly opened hospital and i am required to hire people at all levels.Please help.
I too have the same query - Can anyone let me know how to write KRAs and KPIs in a hospital(from Medical Director to Nurse/Ward boy) of around 500 beds? how to assess these KRAs?
Also,i want to know what all different designations (or a hierarchy) can be given (or followed) in a hospital.
Dinesh Divekar
Dear Snehil,

Setting up Performance Management System (PMS) is far more serious activity. It has to be handled with due sensitivity. To institute PMS it requires great exposure across the spectrum of industries. If mishandled it may do more harm than good.

To know more about instituting PMS in the company, you click here to refer my past post.

There is lot of misconception on the concept of KPI and KRA. To remove this misconception, I have uploaded my presentation on Youtube. To refer that video, you may click here.

Recently, I have given my reply to the post titled Subjectivity in Performance Appraisal. You may click on the link to refer it.

I handle consulting on PMS. To know more about my services, you may click here. Talk to your management and if they are ready then we may work together. If you hire my services, I will do deep study of each department and design new measures which hitherto you had never thought of.


Dinesh V Divekar


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