Statutory Documents And Different Laws To Be Maintained/followed By IT Company

Dear All,
We are a IT company having registered office at Pondicherry and branch office at Bangalore, Karnataka.
1. Please let us know what are the statutory stuff we have to follow under different laws in Karnataka?
2. Recently Government of Karnataka has exempted few regulations which has been mentioned in Karnataka Shop and establishment act. Can you please let me know is it only standing orders which are exempted or is there anything else?
3. Can you please let me know what are the statutory documents to be maintained by IT companies in Karnataka?
IT industry falls under shops & commercial establishment act. So you should follow all the statutory as per Shops & Commercial establishment act, as below
Gratuity Act,
Leave with wages act
Minimum wages act
Equal remuneration act
Apart from that
ESI & PF as applicable
Professional Tax
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