Organise & Streamline Meetings - What Are The Key Agendas?

I am working as an HR in a company. I am given a task of organizing meeting on weekly basis to discuss on various points of the company. Kindly if anyone could suggest how to streamline meetings, what are the key agendas that can be prefarably discussed and how to prepare minutes after each meeting.
A. Das
Dinesh Divekar
Dear A Das,

Will this meeting be within HR Department or other employees also will attend the meeting? What is the nature of your industry? What is your product or service?

You may check my following reply to previous similar query:

In the above reply, you will find issues related to HR only. However, out of HR, there are whole lot of issues like marketing, branding, procurement and so on. However, unless we know the nature of the industry nothing can be said as of now.

Above all, you will "organise" the meeting but then who will "chair" the meeting? Will employees be open in front of their top bosses? How far is open culture in your company? Does the top boss accepts upward communication or it is just one-way traffic from him?

Lastly, how many persons will be away from work to attend this meeting? How will you measure ROI of this meeting?


Dinesh V Divekar

Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.[/QUOTE]
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