Latest Leave Policy - Pdf Download

Dear friends,
we are a start up and are planning a systematic leave tracking system. Can anyone please share with me the latest policies on leave??
Many thanks!
Hi Jenha,
As per your query, there are 2 things that you need to clarify.
Are you looking for leave tracking system or you looking for leave policy? both are 2 different things, please clear so that we can support you.
Dear Jenha,
there is a standard for Leave policies only for labours and company workers e.g. if any worker works for 20 days in a month he is entitled for 1 leave that is an standard . but for staff category you can modify as per company policies for e.g. as per Staff grading or as per CTC of an employee.
hereby i'm attaching an article of latest Leave policy. you may refer it as well.
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