Defence People Hiring

Hi Everyone,
We are hiring sales persons for selling insurance in different parts of country who have defence background can anyone help me where to advertise such job posting so that the right audience are targeted.
Dinesh Divekar
Dear Shalini,
Every district has got "Sainik Kalyan Kendra". You approach this kendra to put up your notice. They run their own employment exchange of ex-servicemen. Possibly they may circulate this information to the needy persons.
In Bangalore we have Sainik Kalyan Kendra is at Kariappa Bhavan. It is located where Residency road and Brigade road cross.
Now little unsolicited suggestion. While your desire to target the defence persons is fine, however, how they will be good at selling that remains to be seen. Selling requires persuasiveness. Defence persons are straight forward and developing persuasive skills may consume the time. That is why many defence persons do jobs in Admin, Security, etc. Since I have defence background, I know about my tribe. Hence these comments.
Dinesh V Divekar
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