Before joining current company my designation was Senior Executive, with same designation joined current company in 2012 holding experience of 5Yrs 8monts.
This year there was organization rebanding with some criteria especially for those who are Software/Sr.Software, Executive/Senior Executive level like with more than 3years experience and complete last two appraisals will move to from Software to Senior Software same for Executive to Senior Executive. With me there are many people joined in last two years holding same exp and designation, keeping these criteria all our designation moved to one level down.
In mycase my supervisor promised me for promotion to Assistant Manager as i moved back to Executive even after promotion my designation will be Senior Executive. I raised this issue with HR generalist, they cosulted top management and came back this criteria cannot be relaxed for recently joined laterals also.
Can some one suggest what is the best way to deal with to sort things, as this my career and i am completing 7yrs in by next month.
Before joining current company my designation was Senior Executive, with same designation joined current company in 2012 holding experience of 5Yrs 8monts.
This year there was organization rebanding with some criteria especially for those who are Software/Sr.Software, Executive/Senior Executive level like with more than 3years experience and complete last two appraisals will move to from Software to Senior Software same for Executive to Senior Executive. With me there are many people joined in last two years holding same exp and designation, keeping these criteria all our designation moved to one level down.
In mycase my supervisor promised me for promotion to Assistant Manager as i moved back to Executive even after promotion my designation will be Senior Executive. I raised this issue with HR generalist, they cosulted top management and came back this criteria cannot be relaxed for recently joined laterals also.
Can some one suggest what is the best way to deal with to sort things, as this my career and i am completing 7yrs in by next month.