Can Boss Can Remove Me From Job When Am In Notice Period

Hi '
Am roja '
I Worked in one reputed service industry for 2 years.I have submitted my resignation with one month notice period.
My boss suddenly called me and said to handover every thing before my relieving date.
Due to this i faced lot of problems.
Can i face my boss legally.
Please suggest me......
Dear Rojas,
Please tell me :
- what is the problem that you faced in handing over things early ? Is it that you had not done your work ?
- what do you mean face your boss legally ?
The rules allow your company to relieve you immediately or at any time they wish once you have resigned. The only debatable issue is whether they have to pay you salary for the notice period that you have not worked.
Roja, Boss is right coz once a employee is on Notice period he/ she is not sure when to leave organisation.... must hand over the things so that there would be no impact on the project...
well u posted this in March... its too late to tell u now :D
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