Mumbai 100 Years Ago - Pdf Download

Erstwhile, (‘Bombay’) Mumbai, 100 years ago was beautifully built by the British where the charm of its imagery and landscape was known to baffle all. The look and feel of the city was exclusively reserved for those who lived in that era and those who used to breathe an unassuming air which culminated to form the quintessential ‘old world charisma’. World Luxury Council (India) is showcasing, ‘never seen before’Collectors’Edition of 100 year old archival prints on canvas through a Vintage Art Exhibit. The beauty of the archival prints is that they are created with special ink which lasts for 100 years, thus not allowing the colors to fade.
Sharing rare old photo's of Mumbai.
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Dear Rmashbala.
This is a very interesting collection.
No automobiles save for an odd tram here and there.
No flocks of people.
Unlike Bombay. Yet a lovely compilation.
V.Raghunathan..................................... ................... Navi Mumbai
Anita P Panicker
Thanks for sharing such good collection. Some of the structure's are still as it is. Most of the building's made by Britishers are still standing tall. Few of them are considered as heritage building and the government take care of maintaining them.
It is the best and the most safest city in the world specially for girls. Now it is crowded, but still it has it's own charm. Which ever part of the world you go, once you have stayed here you will really miss it.
It is truely said Mumbai Meri Jan
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