Medical Bonus Under Maternity Act

Meenakshi D Sharma
Dear All,
I m employed in pharmaceutical company in Baddi (HP), it is first time to claim for medical bonus under maternity act in my company. plz. let me know how i can claim for it, as i m at Head Office roll (which is in Chandigarh) with monthly salary of 21300 Rs., m not covered under ESIC even, neither paid any medical bonus (quarterly). Plz. clear the conditions for claiming medical bonus (which is 35000 Rs. till date)...
Dear Meenakshi,
Maternity Benefit Act,extends to the whole of India except J & K state.Therefore it is aapplicable to your state also.
If no pre natal confinement and post natal care provided by the employer then he has to pay 3500 as medical bonus.
Pre Natal Confinement Care means all the care before expected delivery and post natal care means care after delivery.Though we have medicalaim policy to cover post natal care,there were different thoughts about pre natal care.Finally we decided to give medical bonus.This is our practice.You can ask your employer for medical bonus.
You have to fill below forms as per The Maternity Benifit Act to get Maternity Benifit and Medical Bonus.However failure to give notice shall not disentile you to get maternity benifit.
Form of notice in form 1
Proof of pregnancy in Form 2
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