Dear Mr Luhar, Debnath et al...
This issue is becoming more prevalent with a diverse workforce and more Gen X and Gen Y entering the workforce while the Boomers and seniors hold onto their beliefs in a workplace culture that is slowly shifting due to globalization and communication. More employees are yearning to be included in discussions and decisions so while I may agree to be patient and exercise restraint I would also caution to accept the status quo and go with the flow. Remember, no one can take advantage of you or demean you without you giving them permission to do so. Having said that, it is equally important for your superiors to be aware of this situation if and when the line is crossed. I am not sure what the issues are but perhaps it explains why some employees need coaching and development on HR policies.
Bullying and harassing as well as hazing are things of the past and one does not need to condone or sanction these behaviors from seniors or for that matter peers. It is just the reality of the world today in the workplace. What is worrisome to me as I am reading this is that there is a pervasive culture of condoning this type of behavior, why is that? Old school is out and it is time to change to meet the needs of employees. In my travels and assignments, I have witnessed some amazing workplace cultures having managed teams and departments across several countries and geographies and surprisingly, of all the places people express gratitude, the workplace is dead last, according to a recent HR survey. The results are surprising because while business has changed, old story leaders behaviors have not.
Only 40% express gratitude or communicate with respect to their colleagues frequently and you would think that it has changed with all this advances in technology and innovations in the workplace. One reason is a widespread assumption among managers that setting tough goals and pushing people is the only way to improve productivity. So basically you have two options, talk with your manager and or HR person for next steps assuming you are up to it. Secondly, is to look around and abandon ship instead of quietly taking the abuse and ridicule from these bullies, your health and sanity is far more important than the pay check you receive. Perhaps if enough people do it, the culture will shift and until that time comes, you have to consider carefully your options within reason. I hope this helps and wish you well and thanks for allowing me to share my thoughts.