Dear Venkateswarlu Tumati,
1) You Need to submit separate FORM - D Annual Return of Payment of Bonus for Labor Commissioner.
2) You Need to submit separate Annual Return to Inspector of factories.
Annual Return for the Year Ending 31st December(Prescribed under Rule 100)
This return is to be submit in triplicate along with necessary enclosure in triplicate to the Inspector of Factories having over the factory before the 31st January following:
1. Registration No.
2. Name of the Factory or Establishment
3. Address
4. Name and residential address of the occupier
5. Name and residential address of the Manager
6. ESI Employer’s Code No. if any,
7. SSI Registration No. if any,
8. Nature of the industry and the products manufactured or services provided.
9. Total number of days worked ‘the year
10. Adult Men Adult Women Adolescents/
(a) Number of children without man-days worked certificate of fitness
(b) Average number of persons employed
(c) Total Man hours worked on over time.
(d) Total amount of OT wages paid.
11.Is any process declared dangerous (If yes, attached a list of such u/s 87 carried on? if so average no. of processes) workers employed in each process.
12. Total salaries and wages paid
13. (1) Total amount of Bonus paid
(2) Rate Percentage of Bonus paid.
14. Total amount of Welfare Fund Contributed.
15. Facilities Provided/established as required by the Factories Act (tick only if applicable)
(a) Cooled Drinking Water U/s 18
(b) Safety Officers U/s 40-B
(c) Ambulance Room U/s 45
(d) Full time/Part time/Retainer basis Medical Officer.(e) Canteen U/s 46:
(f) Shelters/Rest or Rooms U/s 47;
(g) Creche U/s 48;
(h) Welfare Officer U/s 49.
16. (a) Total Number of Fatal accidents.
(b) Total number of non-fatal accidents.
(c) Man days lost due to non-fatal accidents.
17. (a) No.of cases maternity benefit claimed/paid.
(b) No. of cases Medical bonus claimed/paid.
(c) No.of cases leave for miscarriage applied/granted.
(d) No.of cases additional leave for illness applied/granted.
(e) Total amount of maternity benefit paid.
18. (a) No.of workers who were entitled to annual leave with the wages during the year.
(b) No.of workers who were allowed to annual leave with the wages during the year.
(c) Total amount paid towards annual leave with wages encashment.
Date: Signature of Occupier/Manager
1. The average number of workers employed daily should be calculated by dividing the aggregate
number of attendance or working days (that is, man-days worked) by the number of working days in
the year. In reckoning attendance, attendance by temporary as well as permanent workers employed
should be counted, and all employees should be included, whether they are employed directly or
under contractors.
Attendance on separate shifts (e.g. night and day shifts) should be counted separately. Days
on which the factory was closed for whatever causes and days on which the manufacturing process
were not carried on should no be treated as working days, partial attendance for less than half a shifton a working day should be ignored, while attendance for half a shift or more on such day should be
treated as full attendance.
2. For seasonal factories, the average number of workers employed during the working season
and the off-season be given separately. Similarly, the number of days worked and average number of
man-hours worked per week during the working and off season should be given separately.
3. The average number of hours worked per week means the total actual hours worked by all
workers during the year excluding the rest intervals but including overtime work divided by the
product of total number of workers employed in the factory during the year and 52. In case, the
factory has not worked for the whole year the number of weeks during which the factory worked
should be used in place of the figure 52.
4. Every person killed or injured should be treated as one separate accident. If in one occurrence six
persons were injured or killed, it should be counted as six accidents.
5. In item 16 (b) the number of accidents which took place during the year should be given. In case of
non-fatal accidents only those accidents which prevented workers from working for 48 hours or
more, should be indicated.
Enclosures to accompany return:
1. A Statement of the names and residential addresses of all the Directors/Partners.
2. A list of the processes declared as declared as dangerous under Section 87 of the Factories Act, if
Please Refer Applicable Bare Acts