Contractors’ Compliance Audit – Under The Contract Labour Act

Pragnaa HR Compliance Services
Dear All,

Principal Employer has ultimate responsibility to ensure the Compliance status of their Contract Workers who have been engaged through various Contractors in the Establishment / Factory premises. In order to fulfill this prime responsibility, Pragnaa is providing Statutory Compliance Audit services to the principal Employer. The Compliance Audit will be performed mainly to ensure the compliance status as per the each Sections / Rules, under the Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act and other allied Acts, required to be complied, in terms of Statutory registers /records, Returns Submission, Statutory Remittance, etc., and Audit will also be covered the EPF & ESI Act and its remittance part. The detailed Audit observation report and recommendations would help the Principal Employer to initiate necessary action and ensure 100 % statutory compliance in their Establishment / Factory premises and support them to create a better working environment .

The following statutory Acts will be covered in Compliance Audit.

• The Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act

• The Tamil Nadu Industrial Establishments (National & Festival Holidays) Act

• The Labour Welfare Fund Act

• The ESIC Act

• The EPF Act

• The Payment of Minimum Wages Act

• The Payment of Wages Act

• The Maternity Benefit Act

• The Shops & Establishment Act / The Factories Act – Depends on applicability

We would say, periodically conducting this kind of Contractors’ Compliance Audit (at least once in 3 months) would help them to create awareness among the Contractors / Vendors about the Statutory Compliances & Consequences.

And also, the expectation of Principal Employer can be transformed to the Contractors in ensuring Compliances.

If you are looking for any kind Compliance Audit, please write to us in the given E-mail Id.
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