Confused In Selecting Career

Hi Everybody,
.I'd completed B Tech from Computer Science in Jun 2011.I was working but due to medical issue (Eye Surgery due to weak spot in retina) i left job "Software Engg" (5-month exp)
Now I am confuse what to do after getting cure.Should i do course in java and start looking for job or my friend suggested for MS in UK .
Even in MS should i go for Business Computing or Core Computer study like Advance Computer Science.
Pls someone suggest me correctly from their experiences what should i do.
If MS then which course between those.
Today's best career for Computer master is go for website degine... if you are well known of PHP, ORACLE, JAWA, HTML, then you can start your business with very low cost..
You can start entertainment website, scraps website, educational website etc,
Consider my advice if you realy want to go for business. eles........... advice by others
Seniors Plesae advice him
Hello Ajaxx195,

Treat the dark episode of your life as a welcome break and a hint to re analyze your career. Do your SWOT analysis .Let me share with you a simple suggestion that has helped me and in case this helps you share the same with at least 9 others , Ok ...

Use your EQ AND IQ to give the world HQ....EQ=emotional quotient , I=intelligence and H=Happiness

Follow your passion in life and every second you will enjoy your life,One life to live LIVE YOU PASSION Ajaxx195 do not waste your time running behind multiple day in day out software courses and waste yours or your parents hard earned money,instead sit calmly , switch off your mobile , take an exam pad with lots of blank white papers, start writing about your STRENGTHS, WEAKNESSES , OPPORTUNITIES YOU WANT IN LIFE AND THREATS THAT CAN HAMPER YOUR VISION.This is in a nutshell is SWOT analysis.Only TRUTH can lead you to happiness and nothing else..BE TRUTHFUL AND HAVE FUN

All the best , if possible visit my sites for more info

Kindly visit S 9 Main - S 9 CONSULTING - TRUTH & SERVICE for more details
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