Employee Issue - Employee Issues [Thread 438207]

Is there any particular slab for a person to get a hike ?...in other words suppose if a HR Exe Joins on 2010 for Rs 10000/. then what should his pay be after completion of 2 years ?.. As per normal industry standards is there any applied formula about the pay ?.....
Sharmila Das
Dear Mr. Greek John,

Its quite plain when we talk on grounds of the industry standards. It depends on the HR and the Reporting Manager. Interestingly, the industry standards are set and they have different slabs for altered areas. It depends on ranges and factors that effect the organization:

- Performance of an induvidual

- Benefits received to the company

- Market and financial growth and many more...

On the contrary the current market situations are also changed. When there was a time that the employee used to get the performance bonus at 50-60% maximum. A general hike now as far as the sysytem is concerned an usual hike of 20-30% is permissible (benefitting the fact to prove your employer).

As days passed, characteristically, it had taken an alleyway which categorised the performance hike. For instance, a star performer - 15-20%, performer - 10%, Average performer - 5% and a Doer - (as per employer)/ No hike.

Therefore, as a limit if someone has worked for 2 years the immediate manager or the HR manager should consider all the above factuals for any hike.
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