I Have Been Asked To Leave Without Any Spcified Reason Or Notice Period.

Hi Dear all,
I have been working in a company from last 11 months in bangalore as Design Engineer. Suddenly one day i was asked to leave because management think i was not compatible with Team leader.There was no dispute but due to the personal ego of team leader i was asked to leave. Even General manager was in my favor but he couldn\'t do anything as it was finance\'s decision.Also we were working in very bad environment where i had to deal with hazard chemicals. i have been paid with severance pay of one month salary.My offer letter says my contract was \"at will\". I would like to know whether that\'s all what i should get as severance. what are the possibilities to take legal action against them.i seek three months severance pay for what they have done.
The conditions of appointment letter prevails. It is a binding contract bet'n both the parties.
Move on brother.
The document has it in there - so nothing that you can do.
Leave the negativity behind and look ahead.
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