Dear Sunil,
Congratulations and all the very best in your role. First & foremost thing that you should understand that the your customers are very special because for jewelry shop & all the customers will visit with lot of joy & josh but all your customers will visit your place with lot of pain & tense hence your Front office & customer relation executive's role is very critical.
Most of the Doctors will be on call / part time hence handling them also is a hill task.
Supportive staff like technicians / Nursing etc.,
Ambulance drivers role is also very critical.
Turn around time at your MRI / X-ray etc., & its down time
House keeping etc., are very critical areas in any Hospital business.
With all the above the Image of the Hospital goes in to the market / reaches to the public and results the business.
Your marketing people are also very critical.
In this context as a HR person spend much time with the Doctors, be in the shop floor, observe / understand, identify the critical factors.
Few more points need to be done but before going pl obtain your management's approval:
Go for suggestion's / inputs box from customers
Take the phone numbers of customers, call & obtain feed back from the customers
Meet the Doctors who are referring patients to your hospital and understand the hardships their patients faced / concern with your marketing people when they are meeting them etc.,