Employees on company rolls are company employees.
Employees engaged through a Contractor are Contractor's Employees.
The subject is governed by Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act.
Kindly check this out to get your answers and if you yet have specific query, kindly do not hesitate to raise the same.
For the time being suffice it to say that this form offers two specific advantages:
1) Your wage cost is controlled as you do not have to pay anything more than the statutory Minimum Wage as applicable at any given point of time, and
2) You have flexibility to adjust your manpower to your business situation and not constrained by the Industrial Disputes Act 1947.
Disagreeing with some viewpoints, I state that you are free to engage contract labour even in direct production activities. The precautions you must take are:
1) Steer clear Sec. 10 of the said act which CAN prohibit your engaging contract labour under certain condition and after following a stipulated procedure.
2) Be absolutely compliant with labour law requirements.
Further, your engaging labour through contractor must not ever be sham or dishonest as a subterfuge to avoid engaging own labour. There are many more things that need to said on this topic but for the time being this response should suffice!
June 3, 2012