You Have The Power # 2 - Pps Download

You Have The Power # 2. Enjoy the show my friends.
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The message in your PPT is very good. But it has irrelavent photos which does not really convey the messages.
It would have been better if the images in this PPT is of those heroes of the World who have achieved in life.
Dear Sundar,
At first, I would do as you said, but for me, this is a version for all women to be brave when they are sad.... And another thing, the message is too hard, and the pictures of woman will be softer. It is Yin - Yang concept. Soft + Hard are combined as one.
Please absorb all benefits that you can get from this alright. The message is your benefit, the picture is your bonus. Again, I sincerely thank you for your point of view.
Kind regards,
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