Confirmation After Probation Period

Haider khan
I want to know the difference in confirmation letter as per following scenarios:
1. After 03 months of Probation period employee successfully confirmed.
2. Employee confirmed after extension in probation period.
What will be the change in confirmation letter in both conditions as one employee was good, confirmed in 03 months and second taken time to show his performance and get confirmation after 06 months.
Kindly guide me how we will be accommodate them in both conditions. Your guidance is required.
Haider Khan
Haider khan
Dear Muralidhar, Thank you for your suggestion. I would like to clear my point that We have standard period of 03 months probation period but the problem is if an employee has not confirmed in initial 03 months and issued him extension in probation period due to unsatisfactory in performance. what will be the difference in regular confirmation letter and after extension confirmation letter.
Haider Khan
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