Signature Of The Offer Letter

Hi forum memebers, it is the first time to write an offer letter as we are a newly established entity i wonder how many copies of offer letter should be issued and candidate will receive it signed on the part of the authorized person or candidate should sign firstly and return it to the company for signature
There is no hard and fast rule in this regard. Normally one copy along with the original can be sent which the candidate will return with his signature as a token of acceptance of the offer.However, it is left to the company to determine it's own requirement.
HR & Labour Law Advisor
Chipinbiz Consultancy Pvt.Ltd
The opffer letter should be 1 + 1 duly signed by the authorized signatory from the company, the candidate receives the same and returns duly signed.
Once you received then you can take a photo copy and forward the copy finance & accounts and one to the personal file of the concerned.
Regards - kamesh
Hi Merovena,
There should be 1+1 copy of offer letter duly signed by the authorized signatory of the company, the candidate also signs the same. One is kept by the company for records and the other is handed over to the candidate.
HR Executive.
Arshia Irfan
Depend on company policy if you want you can send pdf form as offer letter via mail. After acceptance your offer letter candidate send you mail or If candidate have any question then he can reply you on mail. when candidate is agree with your offer when he joined at that day you can take his signature on joining day.
You have to take 2 copies. handover both to the employee and after he/she accept they will return you 1 copy signed by them.
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