Reflections And Mindsets

Rajat Joshi
Hi all,

Mirrors do not lie to us, they present the truth – the way you look.

Mirrors are often the most effective tools to tell us if we still

young or aging, but it will not help solve the problem. Have we ever

looked at mirrors that can project what is inside us. I believe most

of us haven't. If ever we could then those mirrors would provide

profound insights into significant opportunities for change and

performance improvement. We are often trapped by the images we hold

of ourselves and are well advised to step out and beyond, from time

to time, for an objective reality check.

We need to come out of our "mindset."

And if what you're doing isn't working - do something different!

Consider the following ...

I got what I asked for but I wanted something different!

I got what I wanted but I need something different now!

Why don't things work the way they used to?

If this situation were funny, what would I be laughing at?

How would I view this problem if I were 20 years older? Or 20 years


What would I do, say, or think differently if this problem was an


What would happen if this situation meant exactly the opposite of

what I think it does?

How did the old solution work in the past? Is the solution now the


What is the larger issue for which this is only a part?

What does the person creating this problem really want?

Am I reacting out of habit and old brain programming?

Am I blocking emotions or feelings which limit my freshness and


How must I be different to be effective?

What would a great solution really look like?

Is this the best we (I) can do?

What would my great performance look like?

What do I need to learn to be effective and prepare for tomorrow?

What do I know that just isn't so?

Am I part of the problem? And how do I move to be part of the


What actions am I prepared to take to remove the obstacles that I


What about you reminds me of what I don't like about me?

Am I creating owners or dependents?

Is anyone having fun yet?

What is it that we really want to create here?

How many individuals have I inspired today?


Rajat Joshi
Yes, Rajat, very inspiring.

Look at the 15 laws of life by Swami Vivekananda..............


THE 15 Laws of Life

1. Love is the Law of Life

All love is expansion, all selfishness is contraction. Love is therefore the only law of life. He who loves lives, he who is selfish is dying. Therefore, love for love's sake, because it is law of life, just as you breathe to live.

2. It is Your Outlook That Matters

It is our own mental attitude, which makes the world what it is for us. Our thoughts make things beautiful, our thoughts make things ugly. The whole world is in our own minds. Learn to see things in the proper light.

3. Life is Beautiful

First, believe in this world - that there is meaning behind everything. Everything in the world is good, is holy and beautiful. If you see something evil, think that you do not understand it in the right light. Throw the burden on yourselves!

4. It is The Way You Feel

Feel like Christ and you will be a Christ; feel like Buddha and you will be a Buddha. It is feeling that is the life, the strength, the vitality, without which no amount of intellectual activity can reach God.

5. Set Yourself Free

The moment I have realised God sitting in the temple of every human body, the moment I stand in reverence before every human being and see God in him - that moment I am free from bondage, everything that binds vanishes, and I am free.

6. Don't Play the Blame Game

Condemn none: if you can stretch out a helping hand, do so. If you cannot, fold your hands, bless your brothers, and let them go their own way.

7. Help Others

If money helps a man to do good to others, it is of some value; but if not, it is simply a mass of evil, and the sooner it is got rid of, the better.

8. Uphold Your Ideals

Our duty is to encourage every one in his struggle to live up to his own highest idea, and strive at the same time to make the ideal as near as possible to the Truth.

9. Listen to Your Soul

You have to grow from the inside out. None can teach you, none can make you spiritual. There is no other teacher but your own soul.

10. Be Yourself

The greatest religion is to be true to your own nature. Have faith in yourselves!

11. Nothing Is Impossible

Never think there is anything impossible for the soul. It is the greatest heresy to think so. If there is sin, this is the only sin - to say that you are weak, or others are weak.

12. You Have The Power

All the powers in the universe are already ours. It is we who have put our hands before our eyes and cry that it is dark.

13. Learn Everyday

The goal of mankind is knowledge... now this knowledge is inherent in man. No knowledge comes from outside: it is all inside. What we say a man 'knows', should, in strict psychological language, be what he 'discovers' or 'unveils'; what man 'learns' is really what he discovers by taking the cover off his own soul, which is a mine of infinite knowledge.

14. Be Truthful

Everything can be sacrificed for truth, but truth cannot be sacrificed for anything.

15. Think Differently

All differences in this world are of degree, and not of kind, because oneness is the secret of everything.

By Swami Vivekananda



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