well thanks for detailing your query and after going thru your all story i wanna say here that you must go for HR Generalist profile.
Also as you have knowledge of recruitment, training, induction and wanted to go for Payroll the first and best option i have given you above to go with SAP HR.
Second, as you are intended to go for HR Generalist profile, before going further on this, first I want you to visit the weblinks below posted on the same topic which will give you the basic understanding on what you have to do or where you have to go and what things you required to achieve this aim.
Also we almost daily discussed and notice that people wanna go for Core HR/ HR Generalist profile who are working as Recruiters/Trainer. Both have their own cirteria, value but I would suggest you to go for HR Generalist profile where one have to work on every function of Human Resource with great relevant and required knowledge.
HR generalists are characterized by their involvement in -- and knowledge of -- a wide variety of functions and divisions within HR. We call them a jack-of-all-trades who can administer any aspect of HR. They typically occupy the extremes of the HR department hierarchy. Some generalist positions perform entry level, administrative functions, whereas at the other end of the spectrum, generalist HR executives are responsible for all divisions in the HR department, with a layer of specialized HR managers sandwiched in between. In small Organisations, the HR manager is the only employee responsible for all HR functions, and needs to be a generalist with skills and expertise to handle the employer's HR operations single-handed.
For more on this, you can go to SEARCH option located at top of our CiteHR page and also can use Mr. Google. You will get numbers of discussions held and inputs provided by many professionals at length.
If you have any more question/query, feel free to contact..
Best of Luck
One more thing that im well familiar with this Workshop by Author & Corporate Trainer (CORPORATE HR GENERALIST PRACTICAL UPGRADATION) which is starting from 4thDec but want you to try to get more details on this or give me some time till tomorrow morning so that i can speak to my HR Contacts about it...