Dear Mr.Rsingh
Whatever is coming into your salary slip will be considered for your INCOME TAX Calculation. So the best way is to reduce the INCOME TAX is to split the salary into
salary and reimbursements. For Reimbursements you need not have to pay tax
Few examples of reimbursements are --- Medical reimbursement, petrol reimbursement,Vehicle maintenance, Driver salary etc. You may please check with your
employer in this regard. There are certain ceiling also in this category.
Another option is go for Rent Free accomodation in case you are not staying in your
own house. Here you need to check the actual benefit, because in such case
15% to 20% of your total salary may get added to your total income in case you opt for
this . So you need to Analise the actual benefit in this
For tax savings it is not necessary that you can get exemption of Rs.1 lakh under Chapter V
2. Children's school fees
3. National savings Certificate --(check the schemes eligible under this)
4. Equity Linked insurance Schemes
5. Principle repayment of Housing Loan
5. 5 YEAR FIXED DEPOSITs with Banks etc.........
In case you have a housing loan interest upto 1.5 lakhs exemption will be available
In addition you can get exemption of Rs.20000/- in infrastructure bonds
Also mediclaim insurance for self and dependence are addition to this
I just gave an idea of savings, but please check the limits in this.
Hope that this will help you