Dear Khanda
Yours is a case of resignation though probably against your will. It is not a case of lay off. In the case of lay off the employer-employee relationship continues to exist. As your monthly salary is more thatn Rs.15000/- you will not be covered by the provisions of the ESI Act. But from the information furnished by you it appears to me that you are covered by the provisions of the Maternity Benefit Act.However, the date of resignation(though forced) and the date of delivery are also relevant for taking a view on your eligibility to get the maternity benefit. For taking further action please contact, the Labour Inspector of the area in which the company is situate. Additionally, you can raise a dispute under the Industrial Disputes Act section 2A and try to establish through evidence before the Labour Court, that you were forced to resign because of the pregnancy. The raising of the dispute will not affect your rights under the Maternity Benefit Act.