Self Improvement At Workplace

Sunita Dhoundiyal
Dear All..
A very good Morning..
I have a question that one can convert his/her negative points in to positive at work place...
Best Regards,
Sunita Dhoundiyal

Being aware of one’s negative points is the starting point to improve and change that attitude/ behavior into something more constructive and noteworthy. The best way to become aware of our limitations/ negative points is by being open to feedback, particularly negative feedback. This is tough because the normal tendency is to resent the negative feedback (more correctly resent the person giving the negative feedback), justify it and /or mentally refute it or rationalise it. Of course not all negative feedback is correct so in those cases if you are sure it is a misplaced comment or observation ignore it without feeling hurt.

It is also important to note that all negative behavior/ attitude/ expressions can be overcome easily. So focus on those that you believe can be overcome by you relatively easily. E.g. If you are accused of being a poor time manager make it a point to try to be time conscious. If you are accused of being quick tempered become aware of those persons/ situations that tend to infuriate you and consciously curb the feeling as soon as it starts. However keeping quiet, not participating in the discussions, avoiding the situations are not solutions to curbing the temper tantrums but escapism from that.

Be a keen observer and learn to appreciate those qualities in others that you believe are worth emulating. Thereafter try to emulate such behavior and soon you will notice a positive change in you.

For more Inspirational and Motivational inputs do visit the following blogs – Over 72,500 views and 520 followers – Over 21,000 views and 150 followers

Best Wishes
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