Normally it used to be 2 times the Gross Salary or a specific amount which ever is lower
Repayment Time Frame : 10 Equal Installment from subsequent month
Interest Rate : Depending on the company policy, some companies charge 10 - 12 % Interest
For instance if a company has a policy of 2 times the Gross / Month or Rs 25000 which ever is lower as the eligible loan limit
Employee A with a Gross Salary of Rs 10000 / Month will be eligible for Rs 20000 as Loan
Employee B with a Gross Salary of Rs 15000 / Month will be eligible for only Rs 25000, as the 2 times gross is higher than the limit fixed
Certain companies doesn't fix any limits but leads to huge amount being disbursed as Loan, this will adversely affect the liquidity of the company
When you frame a loan policy be careful with all these aspects and consult the top management , with regard to the eligibility, time frame for repayment and interest applicable, if any.