Few tips for you
Induction Training is absolutely vital for new joinees in an organization. Good induction training ensures new starters are retained, and then settled in quickly and happily to a productive role.
It's about the basics like: what the shifts are; where the notice-board is; what's the routine for holidays, sickness; where's the canteen; what's the dress code; etc. New employees also need to understand the organisation's mission, goals and philosophy; personnel practices, health and safety rules, and of course the job they're required to do.
Professionally organized and delivered induction training is our new employees' first proper impression of us and our organization, so it's also an excellent opportunity to reinforce their decision to come and work for us.
We would also take the opportunity of involving our existing staff in the induction process. We will have them create and/or deliver sessions, do demonstrations, accompany, and mentor the new joinees wherever possible. This can be helpful and enjoyable for the existing staff members too, and many will find it rewarding and developmental for themselves. However, when involving others, we need to ensure that the delivery and coverage is managed and monitored properly.
Good induction training plans should feature a large element of contact with other staff for the new person. Relationships and contacts are the means by which organizations function, get things done, solve problems, provide excellent service, handle change and continually develop. Meeting and getting to know other people are essential aspects of the induction process.
HR is committed to providing a quality Induction experience to all the staff members joining Artech. The use of an effective induction process, is therefore, critical.
The Induction process will give individual members of staff the opportunity to:
バハUnderstand the organisation in terms of it。ヲs mission, vision, objectives, its business and
its culture.
バハEstablish effective working relationships with their customers, colleagues and their line
Why Does Induction Matter?
Think of a BAD induction- what are the likely consequences?
バハFor the person 。V stress and de-motivation. Arriving for a new job a bad induction can
leave a new starter worried, anxious and unable to perform their duties.
バハFor the team 。V more work for longer as their new colleague struggles to become an
effective team member.
バハFor the manager 。V an increased workload, managing the service with under-strength
team and trying to support the new starter.
バハFinancial 。V losing a new member of staff and having to replace them costs about 25% of
their salary/wage
バハFor service quality 。V clients may notice a drop in standard, errors etc., with rising
levels of dissatisfaction and/or complaint.
バハFor the organisation 。V all the wrong messages given to the new hire can have damaging
long-term implications.
A good Induction overcomes all these issues.
Making Induction Work
This brief guide is provided to aid any manager, directly or indirectly involved in the induction of a new starter, to ensure that the introduction of these staff into the local unit is
completed as smoothly and efficiently as possible. There must however be a positive commitment from the manager - in order to optimise the potential that the induction process can offer.
Every new joinee will be issued with an Induction Kit.
The Induction Kit
This is a folder prepared prior to the new joinee's arrival and contains important information that the new joinee will need to know along with a notepad and pen.
The Check List
The Check List is provided, within the Kit, to aid both inductor and inductee as an aide-memoire in order to ensure that all relevant core issues are covered at Induction. The list is not comprehensive nor is the completion of every section compulsory as there may be sections not relevant to particular types of staff. Its use is however considered to be an integral part of the Induction process.
Before they arrive.
1. Arrange for an Induction Kit in coordination with the respective Department :
Company。ヲs Folder.
Company Introduction.
Extension List and Contact Information
Code of Conduct
2. Decide who will be involved with each part of the Induction 。V trainer, other managers/
supervisors, other staff.
3. Identify a representative 。V someone who will look out for the new joinee and coordinate
for the completion of Joining Formalities.
4. Make sure all staff involved are clear what their responsibilities will be.
5. If appropriate make sure that a work place is available.
6. Check with the Induction presentation if the same needs to be updated.
7. Go through the checklist. Have a plan for what needs to be covered, when and by whom.
8. Put the standard 。ァwelcome note。ィ in the reception for New Joinees.
When they arrive
1. Accompany the new joinee from the reception and guide him/her to the induction room.
2. Verbally welcome them to the company.
3. Joining Formalities to be initiated by the concerned representative.
4. Explain the check list 。V how it is used to make sure all their key needs are met.
5. Explain the Induction Feedback forms and times.
6. Agree a time to discuss any training needs they might have as a new member of staff.
During Induction
1. Use an Ice Breaker exercise to help them introduce themselves.
2. Keep in contact 。V don。ヲt assume that things are fine - ask them.
3. Go through the induction presentation, covering all areas, which an ermployee needs to
know when he/she joins the company.
4. Organize for session。ヲs wherin representatives from different departments would address
5. Ask that they complete and forward the Induction Feedback forms at the end.
6. Thank all the staff involved in delivering the Induction.
7. A welcome mail to be sent by one of the HR representatives to all the employees.
8. Start introducing them to the work environment and their new colleagues.
1 Welcome Note have been displayed at the reception.
2 Front Officer informed about the new joinees to arrive along with the time.
3 Induction Kit ready for each participant.
4 Availability of workplace for induction ensured.
5 New Joinees attended as soon as a call comes from reception of their arrival.
6 Verbal Welcome and coordination of Joining Formalities by concerned person.
7 Coordination with representatives from departments for addressing new hires.
8 Information given to new hires as per induction presentation.
9 Induction Feedback form explained to new hires and make sure the same is filled.
10 Welcome mail sent for new hires to all the employees
1 Company Introduction
2 Mission statement
3 Lines of Business
4 Locations
5 Client List
6 Who。ヲs Who in Top Management
7 Organization Structure
8 Awards and Recognition
9 Opportunities at Indosys
10 Leave Policy
11 Festival Holidays
12 Attendance Policy
13 Food Policy
14 Internet and Email Policy
15 Performance Appraisal Policy
16 Salary Disbursement Details
17 Probation and Notice Periods
18 List of Benefits
19 Training and Development at Indosys
20 Information of HODs of various departments
21 Code of Conduct
22 Extension List and Contact Information
23 Sessions by representatives from support departments
Ankita Kohli