Hi Dalia,
Has your attrition rate increased? If you have a multi location based organisation, then compare the attrition rates location wise and over a period of time. Conduct a satisfaction survey.
Have you identified the grade of employees that have high attrition. You can target that grade specifically too.
Do an engagement survey. You will know whether the employees are actively engaged or disengaged. And you will also know the problem areas.
Introduce a mentoring system for fresh joiners, where seniors with suitable critical attributes are chosen as mentors.
Have a suggestion box set up and try and develop an environment where employees can drop in suggestions or complaints without fear.
Have informal gatherings once in a while.
Have a greviance redressal procedure established and educate the employees about it.
Have an effective training department, so that there is value addition.
Depending on your organisation, you can have many such initiatives. But all these work only if your pay scale if competitive. Else, do what may, employees will hop for better scales.