P.f Exemption Limit - Doc Download

Hi There
This is saddy here I was getting previously Rs 6000/- P.M My P.f deduction was
720 Now After my Increment i'mgetting Rs 10000/- now i Don't want that my P.f to be deducted Can I Do the same or not
Dear Saddy
You cannot do this, once a person become member of the EPF Organisation he will be continued the member of the organisation. If somebody joins at Rs. 10,000/- then it is the discreation of the management as well as the employee to become member of the organisation. But in your case you stricly cannot do this.
Dear Saddy,
Mr. Mukesh Azad correctly pointed out.
I was wondering all these years ,why the people when move on to a higher salary, always wanted to came out form EPF?
It is really a wonderful Social Security Scheme.
It is a good idea for saving part also, if you go for VPF.
Dear Young fellows never think of coming out from EPF. This small amount saved since from your first employment, helps a lot at the time of your retirement.
Excellent HR Services,
Dear Sir,
Can I get the form for declaration of an employee for not opting the PF if his salary is more than Rs.6500/- basic, as few of our employees had opted for the exemption during the registeration of PF and later after one year period they had opted for the scheme, but now we have to show the exempted employees declaration form to the PF authorites on inspection.
Thanks & Regards,
Dear Sujsri,
Use this Form 11
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Dear Mr.Sethu,
Thank u for the forms attached, in this form there is no where mentioned for opting the PF, we need the form to give to the employees to choose if they are opting the PF or not. that is, if their Basic + DA is more than Rs.6500/-pm.I mean voluntary contribution, so that if any inspection from PF authorities to show these are the employees opted for an exemption from the PF while joining.
Thanks & Regards,
Dear Sujsri,
You have to use this form 11 for the excluded Employees.
Please note that ,once a member will be the member for ever till he is working in that particular industry even if his salary exceeds 6.5K
After resignation if he joins in another industry where EPF is applicable he will be automatically coverable, provided if has already WITHDRAWN HIS EPF AND EPS CONTRIBUTIONS AND HIS NEW BASIC SALARY EXCEEDS 6500 ,THEN ONLY HE WILL BE CONSIDERED AS AN EXCLUDED EMPLOYEE.
I have enclosed a interesting judgment on Excluded Employee and request fellow members to comment on this
Hope this is clear.
Dear all
Here is the jugement
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Greetings to all,
If a person while joining doesnt know his EPF membership details(EPF No.) & has Basic more than 6500/- then will he be exempted from PF or not?
Dear Seniors
Could anybody confirm that PF upper limit is revised or still has 15000 for the deduction of PF or Pf deduction is mandatory for Employer.
Aishwarya Gupta
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