Non Financial Motivation - Ppt Download

Some time ago i have posted this topic in citehr but unfortunately it appeared under new articles resulting in fewer people going thru it.Since this is my most favorite topic,i thought i will take the liberty of posting it under regular discussion mode so that as many friend as possible can see this & offer their candid views.....
...some people asked me about Mulla story on gold coin which appears in the goes like evening the villagers find their Mulla frantically searching for something under the lamp post.Upon learning that he lost a gold ring,they also join the search but after 5 hours of frantic search they could not find anything.They turn to Mulls and ask in exasperation..r u sure you lost the coin here?...Why...i lost it near the temple..was the Mulla's cool reply.But why the hell you are looking here?ask the villagers.....Because LIGHT IS HERE!..Friends . in real life also we r like Mulla!!
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