PCB Certificate

Please help me out how to get PCB Certificate to my company
Dear Mr. Dass
First of all, your company is coming under which control, (state or central).
Accordingly approach Tamil Nadu Pollution control Board or Central Pollution Control Board office for proper guidance.
While approaching go with all necessary documents about your company, how it will emit pollution in the environment. What are the precautions you are observing to have control on pollution.
You can ask them to guide. If our approach is in correct way, surely we will get proper support and guidance for every work we required to be done.
With warm regards
S. Bhaskar
You can approach Environment Monitoring Agencies locally available in all the cities.
If you approach PCB Office then they will give the agency details. Obtain the certificate from the agency for Air & Noice pollution.
This input I got from my office colleague.
With warm regards
S. Bhaskar
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