What would be the role of the chief belief officer? What would be his JD?

May I know what would be the role of the chief belief officer? what would be his JD?
In recent years, the corporate world has come out with innovative designations and unheard-of job titles. The “Chief Belief Officer” is one such designations.
Future Group (the group which runs Big Bazaar & Pantaloons in India), has Mr. Devdutt Pattanaik as CBO “Chief Belief Officer”.
In an interview, Mr. Pattanaik says:- “Business depends on how people behave (customers, employees, stakeholders) and how people behave depends on what people believe in. Belief is an invisible cultural lever that shapes all decision-making. Modern management ignores it as it is not measurable and never objective. My job is to make people aware of it”.
In his role, he will be "decoding the wisdom of India locked in stories, symbols and rituals, and enhancing people’s belief so that they genuinely behave (rather than pretending) such that business grows.”
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