KRA's For Management Trainee

I am searching the KRA's for Management Trainees for HR, Operations, Finance, Sales
Please share the information at the earliest.
Thanks & regards,
Dinesh Divekar
Dear Palakh,
As the designation goes "Management Trainee" is supposed to be trained and he/she is supposed to learn. I have not heard MTs are given KRAs to achieve something.
However, you must be rotating them to various departments. As and when their rotation period completes in one particular department, take their test. Fix a target that they must "--"% marks for the passing.
Taking test on completion of any training is the best means of grooming MT or any other employee.
Other senior members may contribute their views.
Dinesh V Divekar

Hi there greetings from the philippines :)
KRAs or Key Result Areas are sometimes called KPAs or Key Performance Areas. These are major categories or important areas of a job that have direct impact on over-all goals. They are written as results not activities, outputs and not inputs. For the position of HR Manager, here are some KRAs:
1. Employee Development 2. Compensation and Benefits
3. Labor Relations
For Management Trainees you may wish to write down the different focus areas of their study like for example Human Resource Management or Financial Management and other each one write a specific objective of what they are expected to accomplish in each area:)
Hope you will find this useful :)
Mary Anne
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