1. At present about 80 million people are added to global population in a year. Addition of population is the addition to man power in the production side and addition of customers in the buyer side. But there is a decline of birth rate all over the world. Certain countries have gone even below replacement level. As a result, the 80 million figure will certainly come down by 2015 but it is not known to what figure.
2. Industries continue to be added. They require both man power for production and buyers to sell the products. But the situation will force the employers to employ man power in higher rates and sell the products in lower rates. This will result in collapse of more and more industries.
3. In 1847 Marx and Engels wrote “The manifesto of communist party” to bring about dictatorship of proletariats. This is yet to happen. But with this demographic change dictatorship of proletariats will be more and more visible.
4. India will continue to be in advantageous position. Because though the rate of population growth in India will come down, it is not come down below replacement level. As a result, India will be a great man power supplier and job seekers will have wider choices both within and outside the country. Employers likely to go from door to door in search of employees.
5. Population wise Kerala is to reach below replacement level of population first. Other southern states will follow. So there will be more and more home coming, that is, counter migration.