How Does An HRO Work?

Shah Gaurang
Hi, I would like information about the workings of an HRO. How the processes are handled, which processes are generally outsourced. etc. I am hoping to prepare a project report on HRO in India, so a few facts and figures on the latest position would also be really helpful.
Gaurang Shah
Gaurang Shah




HRO, the next big opportunity for India -

HR outsourcing, the next big thing - 29k - Cached - Similar

Summit HR World Wide - Leading HR BPO, HR outsourcing Service ...

HR BPO, the next wave

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As the economy/ companies, many companies have special needs , including those in transition from rapid growth, management changes, mergers/acquisitions and spin-offs.

Companies from a full range of solutions that are flexible, scalable and integrated.


Tax filing

Benefits administration

Talent acquisition


productivity gain

Regulatory compliance/administration

training / development services

management development


head hunting


WHAT companies sees value in key areas.

Economic: reducing cost of ownership

Strategic: transforming human resources into a higher-performance organization

Operational: improving continually with world-class best practices

Technology delivering integrated human resources outsourcing solutions with proprietary technology

Human resources: reducing in transaction-intensive tasks and renewing focus on business strategy

Risk management: using strong governance structure

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Outsourcing. Some companies swear by it. Others refuse to do it. Some view it as a necessary evil in order to be successful. The truth is clear however - outsourcing has become an integral piece of today’s corporate landscape.

Human Resource Outsourcing (HRO), in particular, has grown into a widely utilized business method, despite being a concept that is still in its early stages and often times fraught with emotion. Many companies cringe at the thought of outsourcing services that have been handled in-house since the start of their business.

Despite this, the fact remains that nearly every company of substantial size relies on outsourcing for some aspect of their human capital management (HCM). Whether it is using external recruiters, administering drug tests or managing a benefits program, companies of all sizes find themselves outsourcing some or all of their HR functions.

HRO has grown into a larger beast than just being a service bureau and providing a limited number of services. Today, HRO companies have expanded to encompass all HR functions, becoming one-stop shops for companies looking to outsource any and all of their HR responsibilities.

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In the initial stages of HRO, companies would generally outsource single areas of their HR department, such as payroll, recruiting, etc…

HRO has now expanded to a point where companies can create their “picture perfect” HRO model by picking and choosing which services they would like bundled together.


Tax filing

Benefits administration

Talent acquisition


productivity gain

Regulatory compliance/administration

training / development services

management development


head hunting

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COMPANIES want HR departments to become strategic partners in the business and not be burdened with administrative tasks. COMPANIES wish to streamline those departments with total human resource outsourcing - taking nearly all administrative functions out of them. HRO offers this level of outsourcing and can handle the administration and interface with your key resources in those departments. This full outsourcing model puts THE staff in the position of having a majority of their day freed up to deal with HR strategy focused on human resource planning, retention ,succession planning etc etc.


How do the company know if human resource outsourcing is the right decision for our company’s strategy?

This is the most critical question to ask, and it’s one that every good HR professional will ask well before making the decision to outsource. Not sure if it’s the right direction? Ask yourself these questions:

Does your HR team spend more time on paperwork and employee issues related to HR, payroll or benefit administration than it does on sourcing and recruiting strategies, talent management, benchmarking HR best practices, or strategic business planning?

Do your company’s leaders rely on your HR team for ‘blocking and tackling’, but rarely involve HR when building and executing business plans?

Are your HR professionals underutilized and unchallenged in their ability to make contributions to the strategy and operation of your business?

If you answered ‘yes’ to any of the above questions, it may be time to consider the value of HRO.


Shah Gaurang
Hi Leo,
Thanks for the information. It is quite detailed. I will surely go through it and I am sure it will help me a long way in my completing my project.
I would like to get information about how recession effected the training and development funcrion of HR department in an organisations
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