Re: Punctuations In English

Hey guys,
Could you'll share any info or ppt on Punctuations of English.
Prasad S N
Hi Kavita,
As far I know there are no PPTs on use of punctuation marks in English. Here is one sentence I often use to spell it's importance :
a) A woman, without her, man is a beast
b) A woman, without her man, is a beast
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Resulting from research into what really makes presentations so successful, this book's approach combines the language and skills needed to give effective presentations. The book is aimed at intermediate to upper intermediate students and employs simple rhetorical techniques. It shows how to deliver complicated subject matter clearly and effectively and employs models for clarifying and dealing with questions. The skills training is step-by-step and the open format allows for personalized input. An accompanying cassette is available, whose recordings are designed to improve delivery.


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Description: English Pronunciation in Use covers all aspects of pronunciation, including individual sounds, word stress, connected speech and intonation. The book recognises the importance of pronunciation for listening as well as for speaking and provides both receptive and productive practice. The book is for intermediate level learners and above. It is primarily intended for students working alone but can also be used in class.

Sixty easy-to-use two-page units present explanations and examples of key pronunciation points on the left page and exercises on the right hand . A single clear British accent is offered as the speaking model for repetition exercises. In addition there are self-diagnostic tests, a guide for speakers of specific languages , exercises to practice phonemic symbols and a glossary of specialised terms.


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Punctuations in english is very important
For example
Kill him not ; let him go
kill him ; not let him go
So it can save the life or end the life
Am i right
Punctuations in english is very important
For example
Kill him not ; let him go
kill him ; not let him go
So it can save the life or end the life
Am i right
There is a good book on this Topic which i read a few days back. Eats shoots and leaves by lynne truss. Please go through the same
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