Vipin and Surendera
With the above explanations and clarifications by me earlier, with no more confusion, in the interest of both company and worker, following descretory decision may be taken:
1. ordinary wages - basic + DA + other allowances which are fixed and which are a part of monthly salary components to be considered for OT
2. Incentive - if it is variable, and related or linked to attendance, need not be considered
3. If food grains, edible oil is given on a concessional rate, the cost of which may be considered for inclusion in the OT payable; if they are free, as no cost is involved, this need not be considered
4. If any other allowances like education allowance, sickness allowance, etc. is being paid as a part of monthly salary component, it should be taken. If it is paid as quarterly, annually as a welfare measure, this need not be taken.
Mr Vipin may take a decision based on the above, without having any more confusion and if government authorities question on any issues at a later date, the same can be appropriately dealt with them by either convincing them or by pay the dues to the concerned.
Hope this is clear.
K.Ramachandra - Bangalore