If ur study is specific to only a single organisation then ur study will be based mainly on secondary data i.e., through Exit Interview Forms. When an employee is leaving the company, the HR takes an exit interview of that employee and record that data on a exit interview form. So now u can go thru those details to know y that employee had quit the org. In this case ur obectives can be:
1. To collect the data from the Exit Interview Form
2. To identify the main reasons(both organisational and personal) which resulted in the resignation of the employees
3. To suggest and imply various retention schemes
If the scope of ur study relates to any particular industry ie., for ex, "attrition in BPO industry" then ur objectives can be:
1. To understand the present level of attrition in BPO industry
2. To examine the attrition rates in two different categories- which can be managed and which cannot be managed
3. To understand, both job related and environmental related factors that contribute towards employee attrition in BPO industry
4. To propose various retention Schemes
And regarding the synopsis, you can explain
> the importance of the project (i.e, why the project/topic is necessary)
>Definition of attrition, formula to calculate attrition rate
>problem identification (problem that needs to be solved)
>background information (about attrition)
>problem definition (title of the project)
>literature review (list of articles that u referred)
>methodology of the study