Expatriate - Time Office Mgt - Xls Download

voilet malekar
Dear All,
Would like to know from members how do we track / what is the system followed for members who have been deputed abroad (2-4 yrs) with respect to following :
1. Tracking of attendance, leaves, holidays (in respective country)
2. Fulfill the training needs identified.
For tracking the attendance, use job sheet ot time card sheet. You can collect the time card details monthly or weekly accordingly but make sure the time card recieved should be approved from the clients place or from the person to whome the employee is reporting from the official mail Id.
you can also send time sheet card every week or every month to the candidate marking CC to his reporting person or to the client.
Regarding the training where you want to provide dthe training at the clients place or in home country!!! itdepends
If you feel i can help you with some more information pls feel free.
If u need a sample time card i have attached with this mail for your refrence.
Mohamed Rafiulla
1 Attachment(s) [Login To View]

Good Day!!!!
Regarding contact number!!!!...currently am working in Riyadh - Saudi.. kindly let me know what information you would like to know from my-side. if i can help you, surely i will.
Mohamed Rafiulla
voilet malekar
Fine Mohamed Rafiulla,
I will try to list of my queries as below :
1.For example a member who is presently working in India has been transferred out of India in the middle of the year, how and on what basis the leaves are calculated for them.
2. Do they remain on our Rolls?
3. What about the benefits that they were eligible for while in India. For example, PF and Superannuation.
4. For Example : We have our office in Srilanka. We have one indian who has been transferred to Srilanka. And the other members working in the office are from Srilanka ( local people only). In such a situation what is the policy applicable with regard to Leaves, Holidays to Indian and Srilankan.
I hope i have been able to put my queries to you.
Please Contact Intelliob Technologies (P) Ltd For Time & Attendance Software
Contact No : 9619725429
With Regards

This is not just a time office issue.. there are other legal requirements which one has to follow specially the tax treatment.. the decision on whether to keep employees on the home country roll or not depends upon the legal element available in the host country. Double taxation is a difficult subject..
While we need to know more details on your organisation i try to answer your questions on basic general information

1. For example a member who is presently working in India has been transferred out of India in the middle of the year, how and on what basis the leaves are calculated for them.
Ans: The first question one has to be clear is whether are you sending them on secondment or they are transferred to the other country? Employees normally are governed by local laws unless you are providing them more than local law require. Normally you close the eligibility in home country and allow prorata leave in the host country. Normally for expat /international assignment you have stand rules of holiday during assignment.

2. Do they remain on our Rolls?
Ans: it depends upon what is the organisation decide. you can do both.. transfer them to host country rolls if you have establishment there. this will reduce the liability on double taxation and employee will be governed by local laws. In this case employee loose contribution to retirals and pension scheme ( PF, Family Pension etc India). Employee has to understand this. If you keep the employee on your roll and pay the salary in India, you need to take case of tax liability in India as well as in Host country. If the assignment is for more than 1 year, it is advisable to transfer to host country and bring them back on your rolls once they return.

3. What about the benefits that they were eligible for while in India. For example, PF and Superannuation.

Ans: I am assuming you are talking about Indian assigned abroad.. The new provision of PF ACt does include these people if they are on the rolls of the home country including the the forgien nationals working in India.. Please go through the PF act you will find the answer in detail. Majority of retiral schemes are now defined contribution scheme and therefore employees does not tend to loose on account of break of contribution period..(As long as this component of their compensation is taken care in the host country compensation)

Example: We have our office in Srilanka. We have one indian who has been transferred to Srilanka. And the other members working in the office are from Srilanka ( local people only). In such a situation what is the policy applicable with regard to Leaves, Holidays to Indian and Srilankan.

Ans - It depends upon what your organisation want and the duration of the stay of this India employee in Sri Lanka. You need to work on Assignment policy for your organisation. If this the assignment is less than one year, keep them in your rolls. if it is more transfer them to Sri Lanka Payroll and bring him/her back once they return. The continuity of service could still be maintained as the employee is part of the same group.

Hope this clarifies ( though it is a complex subject).. feel free to interact with me on [Login to view] and I should be able to help you.
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