Hr Administration - Doc Download

Dear friends,
i want to form a new HR department in my organisation. Its a small organisation comprising of only 5 employees. Its based on overseas consultants company. Its going to get registered as pvt ltd. Before that i want to design a new HR department. Can you help me.. After i design the department i have to appoint approximately 10-15 number of employees as freelancers..
Since you will require freelancers in coming months as you have mentioned in the post, i would like to offer myself for the same. I am currently working as "Freelance Consultant" itself.
Kindly provide me with tour email-ID, so i can you contact you for the same.
Dimpal Panchal
Hi Sudha,
Please find attached document here with for your reference.
All the best.
Thanks & Regards,
S. Narendra Nath
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