How Do I Calcualte Ctc - Xls Download

Dear Sir,
I am Vijaya.
I am working as an Assistant Officer in an MNC.
I want to know how to calcualte CTC.
Give brief explanation about to calcualte CTC.
Dear Vijaya ,
Kindly find the attached file of caculatin CTc this will give u an idea.
remember each company has its own discretion of dividing the components Basic,HRA,Conveyance,and other allowances.
As you will be aware that the Basic ,DA,HRA,Conveyance Allowances are calculated as certain percentage of the Gross salary.
Some companies follow 60% as Basic,20%as HRA,10% as Conveyance,10%as Education allowances on the Gross salary.
Some company follow the rule of 30,20,10,10 rule.Find out from your management as to what should be the percentage to be allowed for calculating basic,DAHRa,Conveyance allowances.
Md.Fazel Hussain
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