Training is an effective way to enhance the skill sets and competencies of an employee. The advantage with training is that it is normally focused and concentrated inputs are given to the trainees by an experienced facilitator and so the learning is quicker and techniques more sound.
Identifying training needs correctly is one major pre condition to effective training. This can be done by studying the annual appraisal reports of individuals, personal interview with employees, through a structured questionnaire that is filled in by the trainees and their superiors etc. Tabulating the results will give a fair idea of the training needs.
Ensuring the success of training is the toughest part of training. Some indicators of positive results of training are by studying the post training performance of participants. A drop in rate of mistakes, increased quality output, enhanced savings, positive feedback from superiors and peers etc. are strong signs of the effectiveness of the training.
Trust the reply motivates you to give use training extensively.