Hello all of you,
I have been browsing this website and I have always seen that its very informative and useful. I would like you all to help me. I have just joined my Company and they have asked me to write down the job description for all the jobs that exists. The Job Descriptions should be such that we should be able to measure the employee work on that basis for eg for Accountant it should say entering 200 invoices. It should be set on minimum and when that is exceeded it is excellent. So basically the staff will be evaluated on the basis of Job Descriptions.
Please if anyone has sample of JDS for the following positions then kindly email it to me. My email is [Login to view]
Job titles
Junior Accountant
General Manager
Finance and Administration Manager
HR Manager
Technical Project Co-ordinator
Accounts Assistant
Senior Engineer
Security Guard
Workshop incharge
Electronics Technician
Workshop Assistant
Sales and Support Engineer
Showroom Assistant
Operations In Charge
Sales Manager
Senior Sales Executive
Sales Executive
Sales Assistant
Thank you in advance.
I have been browsing this website and I have always seen that its very informative and useful. I would like you all to help me. I have just joined my Company and they have asked me to write down the job description for all the jobs that exists. The Job Descriptions should be such that we should be able to measure the employee work on that basis for eg for Accountant it should say entering 200 invoices. It should be set on minimum and when that is exceeded it is excellent. So basically the staff will be evaluated on the basis of Job Descriptions.
Please if anyone has sample of JDS for the following positions then kindly email it to me. My email is [Login to view]
Job titles
Junior Accountant
General Manager
Finance and Administration Manager
HR Manager
Technical Project Co-ordinator
Accounts Assistant
Senior Engineer
Security Guard
Workshop incharge
Electronics Technician
Workshop Assistant
Sales and Support Engineer
Showroom Assistant
Operations In Charge
Sales Manager
Senior Sales Executive
Sales Executive
Sales Assistant
Thank you in advance.