Samples Of Job Description Required

Hello all of you,

I have been browsing this website and I have always seen that its very informative and useful. I would like you all to help me. I have just joined my Company and they have asked me to write down the job description for all the jobs that exists. The Job Descriptions should be such that we should be able to measure the employee work on that basis for eg for Accountant it should say entering 200 invoices. It should be set on minimum and when that is exceeded it is excellent. So basically the staff will be evaluated on the basis of Job Descriptions.

Please if anyone has sample of JDS for the following positions then kindly email it to me. My email is [Login to view]

Job titles

Junior Accountant


General Manager

Finance and Administration Manager

HR Manager


Technical Project Co-ordinator

Accounts Assistant

Senior Engineer

Security Guard


Workshop incharge

Electronics Technician

Workshop Assistant

Sales and Support Engineer

Showroom Assistant

Operations In Charge

Sales Manager

Senior Sales Executive

Sales Executive

Sales Assistant


Thank you in advance.

Hi Farida
I would like to tell you one thing that one can not decide everybody's Job description that too if your motto is to compare it with performance appraisal.
You have to sit with the department Heads/Manger to define each title's Job description. As they are the Key members to analyze individual performance and are the better judge to define the time for the completion of the targets, therefore only they are the best person to tell you the Job description of their individual title.
You are right. I know that I will have to sit with departmental head and staff and discuss and come up with the final Job Description for each title but I am just looking for some ideas or sample job description if you have then I can use that and modify accordingly.
If you have any of the job description please email it to me and i will use that as template.
Thanking you,
Hello all of you,
I browsed couple of websites and I have designed lots of job description. Below are the few which I cant get any sort of information. Can any one of you help me. If you have any of the below job description please email it to me.
My email is
Job titles
Junior Accountant
Technical Project Co-ordinator
Security Guard
Workshop incharge
Electronics Technician
Workshop Assistant
Showroom Assistant
Operations In Charge
Hi everybody.

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Best regards
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