Are You Bothered ? - Pps Download

We all are bothered about ourself only.....but what about for those all whom we should be bothered about ?
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KS Rao
Hello and greetings!
I don't know how to address you. We (most of us) are living in self-centered tiny world. We do not have time to think about or bother about our brothern else where. Just today only TV9 focused on a story in Nigeria about the orphan children who were and are neglected both by the society and the government. But it was a Whiteman from America who went all the way to reform the lives of those unfortunate thrown away kinds; stayed for years, fought with the superistions of the land, government policies and the villanious bigwigs of the society and finally brought light into those lives. Those are the kind of people who will become 'Mahatma's in course of time.
Thanks for the wonderful PPT
Thank you for the posting. I did read this few years back and from then onwards i am not wasting food and money. Before reading this, i used to waste a lot of food every day and i used to eat only few things which i like. But after reading this, i have changed my attitude. Now i am not wasting food. Instead i started donating to NGO's (not in huge amounts, i started with Rs. 800 only). This has really chaged my way of thinking.
Thank you for GOD for what he has given to me and thank you one and all.
Best Regards
hi, thanks for sharing.
it's really moving. i wish it could have been shown to the youngsters, so they might change their way of thinking towards life.
I showed this ppt to my child, she realised about the truth and taking full meal without wastage. Suggested to donate her old clothes to orphanage
prajay charles
thank you my dear, you really shared a true thing that is we all are forgetting our human values and we are wasting somany things with consumerism. i wish you al the best
prajay charles
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